Johnson And Toxin


Old records are made to be broken. Lack of support has shattered all previous years since the start in 2012...

Extreme censoring has knocked my site down from more than 6,000 hits a day from all over the world before the Trump/Musk/salesFORCE takeover of social media to basically just a few hits a week that aren't bots.

As of 13 May 2024 support sent in 2024: $0


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00
Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: The American Custom Gas Chamber, Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obamas' Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, Multiple Toxin-Induced Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


Is Your Cleaning Company Poisoning You?
You might want to request the MSDS for all products used in you home...

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?

I started this in March of 2012. This work was censored since I started...

I can't count the number of suspended twitter accounts. Then the shadowbanning. Now that twitter has changed to X, I have found that if I text a link to someone, they get a page stating that the account has been suspended, even though it is working for me.

Links to my site cannot be shared on ANY social media platform. I cannot text links to my site to people I know - they just won't go through.

I have run three censored sites. Each exposed harms by exposure to chemicals in common consumer goods. I let the other two go and continue this one. This type of information is banned.

However, bullshit is available in abundance: virus, vaxx, "THEY'RE SPRAYING US", snake venom, aliens, bioweapon, spike protein, gain-of-function and so on. BUT NOT ONE PEEP of harms by exposure to chemicals proven to cause harms to health and early deaths is allowed.

Censored out of social media, however, regular visitors to the JohnsonAndToxin site include these and many others...
World Health Organization
United States Food and Drug Administration
United States Centers for Disease Control
United States Health and Human Services
United States Senate
United States Department of Justice
United States Federal Reserve Board
JPMorgan Chase
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Deutsche Bank

Why President Trump Should Shut Down US FDA

Healthcare organizations around the world depend on US FDA decisions, however, profit, rather than safety, seems to be the primary motivation.

Date Created: March 26, 2017

Keywords: healthcare, health, obamacare, donald, trump, fda, fraud, kickback

Site accessed 10,230,132 times.
This page accessed 1,160 times.

ADDED September 12, 2021:
Another administration over and even more corrupt exposed. Figured that rather than rewrite this article, would just add the latest corrupt critters to this exisiting article. The begining of the original article is noted...

Janet Woodcock is one of the most severely corrupt, long-term managers at the United States Food and Drug Administration. She's so corrupt, I had enough information to write an entire article on her. "Janet Woodcock for FDA Commissioner? Uh, NO. She'll approve anything, even if it will kill you ;o)"

Then we have Scott Gottlieb. FDA Commisioner for a year. Now on the pfizer board, among others, who are royally profiting from continuing the scamdemic as long as possible...
"Dr. Scott Gottlieb says full approval of Covid vaccines unlikely to persuade hesitant Americans
Disclosure: Scott Gottlieb is a CNBC contributor and is a member of the boards of Pfizer, genetic testing start-up Tempus, health-care tech company Aetion Inc. and biotech company Illumina. He also serves as co-chair of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings’ and Royal Caribbean’s “Healthy Sail Panel.”

Stephen Hahn replaced Gottlieb. He's now employed by Moderna's investment firm. Imagine that...
"Stephen Hahn joining venture capital firm behind Moderna Walter Shaub, a senior ethics fellow at the Project on Government Oversight and former director of the Office of Government Ethics, told the Post that it was “concerning whenever a high-level government official who was instrumental in actions that may have profited a company turns around and goes to work for that company soon thereafter.” ...I agree...

This shit is out of control...

Back to original article. How long will we continue to tolerate decisions for our lives, our health, our safety, made by those who don't give a shit about our lives, our health, our safety - and it shows...

It appears as though our new president is not quite sure how to deal with the United States Food and Drug Administration. Media reports that he has considered many candidates as the new US FDA Commissioner. At one point, he stated he'd shut it down - which is likely a very good idea when we take a look at the effectiveness of this government agency.
Our current United States Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Dr. Robert Califf, had a career as not much more than a killer drug pusher and mouthpiece for Johnson & Johnson. Obviously more concerned with fat checks from Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Califf pushed Xarelto, a blood thinner with missing safety data and no antidote - the source of over 15,000 lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson.
Dr. Califf replaced Margaret Hamburg who is under investigation for using her position as the United States Food and Drug Administration Commissioner to ignore scientists and put harmful drugs on the market so her husband could make billions of dollars on pharma stock. She's currently under investigation for her role in misapproval of Levaquin and, not surprisingly, was FDA Commissioner when killer Xarelto was approved and put on the market with MISSING SAFETY DATE, a high drop-out rate AND no proof that it actually worked as claimed - not to mention the massively higher price, eh?
Prior to Hamburg we had Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach. It seems that, with help of New Jersey Senators Robert Menendex and Frank R. Lautenberg and New Jersey Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. and Steven R. Rothman, pressure was put on US FDA scientists to approve MenaFlex against the unanimous voice by scientists NOT to approve the knee implant over safety concerns. The FDA did finally pressure Regen Biologics to pull the product, and the ruling was upheld during appeal, but not before an unknown number of people were injured, and Regen Biologics bankrupt - oh, and all those guys made millions on 'large donations' ;o)
Prior to Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach we had Lester Mills Crawford who also used his position at the United States Food and Drug Anministration to fill his bank accounts with increased stock value with approvals of products that were potentially harmful and resign, keeping all that money...
In an effort to protect the lives of Americans from a flood of harmful products due to corruption, nine United States Food and Drug Administration scientists joined together and crafted a letter to President Obama in 2009. The letter very clearly stated that management at the United States Food and Drug Administration are corrupt. The letter explained that pressure to approve products scientists deemed unsafe included intimidation, threats, bullying, etc. In closing the letter clearly states: "The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the scientific review process for medical devices at the FDA has been corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk."
When we look at the flood of lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for a large variety of products, it's painfully clear the scientists were correct with their warning.
Lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for products with overstated benefits and understated and/or undisclosed risks have skyrocketed from 20,400 in 2012 when I started this project to over 100,000 today. That number is from their shareholder report, but only lists a few of the products. The shareholder report includes: 2,900 with respect to DePuy ASR™ hips; 9,300 with respect to PINNACLE® hips; 53,400 with respect to pelvic meshes; 15,400 with respect to RISPERDAL®; 15,600 with respect to XARELTO®; 2,400 with respect to JOHNSON'S® Baby Powder. The number of lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for numerous other products, such as Baby Tylenol, morcellators, knees, spine parts, bone cement, diabetes devices, surgical tools, etc. are NOT included in the shareholder report.
A fact many seem to miss is that decisions by the United States Food and Drug Administration are used by countries other than the United States when considering new healthcare products to be sold in the respective country. This fact is becoming painfully clear as the flood of lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for numerous products flood in from: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, England, Israel, the Netherlands, Scotland and Venezuela.
The warning by nine United States Food and Drug Administration scientists "...the scientific review process for medical devices at the FDA has been corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk." was obviously a gross understatement. This is more accurate:
"The scientific review process at the United States Food and Drug Administration has been corrupted and distorted by FDA managers, placing every person on the planet at risk of harm, disability and/or early, long, slow, painful death."
Considering the incredible number of victims from such a wide variety of products, it may actually be in the best interest of the American people, as well as people around the world, to shut down the United States Food and Drug Administration and supply the nine honest, brave scientists with the resources they need to conduct a consultant-based review of safety and effectiveness of all products by all pharmaceutical companies. They can keep the most effective, least harmful for use; remove the most harmful, least effective and build new products based on the harm/risk ratio set for treatment of disorders.
And provide those results in an ongoing basis to the folks in other countries who might be interested in reducing the flood of victims from known harmful products in their country.
The companies can pay for the service with the money they had previously been spending on kickbacks, bribes, gifts and excessive donations ;o)
Then you can return the $4.5 billion used to support the corrupt and useless United States Food and Drug Administration back to taxpayers, eh? Don't worry, I won't hold my breath on that one...

Dear Visitors,
This work is not sponsored by bankers, lawyers, gov agencies, ad agencies or fraudsters.

Your gift, no matter the size, makes a real difference. Please consider contributing today to help me continue work exposing fraud, corruption, coverups and harmful, defective and toxic products. Together, we can create a positive impact for improved health and well-being that lasts.

Thank you for your generosity,
Emily Patterson


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00

Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obama's Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, BPS Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?


1. Emily Patterson (2016, March 2). New United States Food and Drug Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf Responsible for KILLER Xarelto. Johnson And Toxin. Retrieved from http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/califf_fda_commissioner.shtml
2. Emily Patterson (site section). Xarelto Files. Johnson And Toxin. Retrieved from http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/xarelto_files.shtml
3. Larry Klayman(2016, January 19 ). Larry Klayman files lawsuit against Former FDA commissioner Hamburg, Johnson & Johnson and others sued for alleged racketeering and other claims over dangerous drug Levaquin. PRNewsWire. Retrieved from http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/larry-klayman-files-lawsuit-against-former-fda-commissioner-hamburg-johnson--johnson-and-others-sued-for-alleged-racketeering-and-other-claims-over-dangerous-drug-levaquin-300206300.html
4. Emily Patterson (2012, May 23). Xarelto by Johnson & Johnson is Likely Another OverHyped Dud. Johnson And Toxin. Retrieved from http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/xarelto.shtml
5. Susie Madrak (2009, September 28). FDA: NJ Politicians Pressured Them Into Approving Unsafe Medical Device - After They Received Large Donations. Crooks and Liars. Retrieved from http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/fda-nj-politicians-pressured-them-app
6. Staff Writes (2010, October 15 ). FDA Rescinds Approval of Menaflex Knee Replacement Device. About.com. Retrieved from http://www.aboutlawsuits.com/menaflex-knee-implant-approval-revoked-13493/
7. Jim Dickinson (2013, May 14). Court Upholds FDA in Menaflex Case. MDDI Online. Retrieved from https://www.mddionline.com/court-upholds-fda-menaflex-case
8. MassDevice Staff (2011, April 11). Regen Biologics files for bankruptcy. Mass Device. Retrieved from http://www.massdevice.com/regen-biologics-files-bankruptcy/
9. David Stout (2006, October 18). Ex-F.D.A. Chief Pleads Guilty in Stock Case. Mass Device. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/18/washington/18fda.html
10. Associated Press (2005, September 23). Embattled Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Lester Crawford Resigns. Mass Device. Retrieved from http://www.nbcnews.com/id/9455426/ns/health-health_care/t/embattled-fda-chief-lester-crawford-resigns/#.WNgeWn95XIU
11. United States Food and Drug Administration (2009, Aril 2). Certified Letter to the President. United States Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/data/cert-fda-letter-to-the-president-4-2-09-and-trans-team-1-7-09.pdf

12. Emily Patterson (2016, November 16). Third Quarter 2016 Lawsuits Against Johnson & Johnson Still Exploding! Now 99,000! JohnsonAndToxin. Retrieved from http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/2016_third_quarter_lawsuit_leap.shtml


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