Johnson And Toxin


Old records are made to be broken. Lack of support has shattered all previous years since the start in 2012...

Extreme censoring has knocked my site down from more than 6,000 hits a day from all over the world before the Trump/Musk/salesFORCE takeover of social media to basically just a few hits a week that aren't bots.

As of 13 May 2024 support sent in 2024: $0


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00
Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: The American Custom Gas Chamber, Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obamas' Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, Multiple Toxin-Induced Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


Is Your Cleaning Company Poisoning You?
You might want to request the MSDS for all products used in you home...

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?

I started this in March of 2012. This work was censored since I started...

I can't count the number of suspended twitter accounts. Then the shadowbanning. Now that twitter has changed to X, I have found that if I text a link to someone, they get a page stating that the account has been suspended, even though it is working for me.

Links to my site cannot be shared on ANY social media platform. I cannot text links to my site to people I know - they just won't go through.

I have run three censored sites. Each exposed harms by exposure to chemicals in common consumer goods. I let the other two go and continue this one. This type of information is banned.

However, bullshit is available in abundance: virus, vaxx, "THEY'RE SPRAYING US", snake venom, aliens, bioweapon, spike protein, gain-of-function and so on. BUT NOT ONE PEEP of harms by exposure to chemicals proven to cause harms to health and early deaths is allowed.

Censored out of social media, however, regular visitors to the JohnsonAndToxin site include these and many others...
World Health Organization
United States Food and Drug Administration
United States Centers for Disease Control
United States Health and Human Services
United States Senate
United States Department of Justice
United States Federal Reserve Board
JPMorgan Chase
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Deutsche Bank

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Responsible for KILLER Xarelto

Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf. Oh joy.

Date Created: March 2, 2016 / Updated: May 2, 2023

Keywords: xarelto, FDA, commissioner, risk, johnson & johnson, johnson and johnson, bayer, califf

Site accessed 10,307,098 times.
This page accessed 1,294 times.

Updated May 2, 2023

Here we go again... again...

Killer Califf brought back as United States Food and Drug Administration Commissioner. Well, hm. Guess they now just recycle the corrupt? Yeh, is probably easier and cheaper.

The blood thinner pusher is now following in Jammit, I mean Janet, Woodcock's footprints and pushing new opioids. Didn't we just get through getting most of that off the market? Massive amounts of money for victims and lawsuits... Oh, wait, maybe that's where the REAL profit is so let's bring back the money, eh?

In addition, Killer Califf wants to tighten restrictions on speech regarding medical information. Is that so no one can publicly gripe about harms by toxic and/or defective healthcare products such as opioids, Xarelto, heart valve stents, and so on?

Well, with pre-corrupted Califf at the helm of the Golden Shower Standard of the United States Food and Drug Administration, I am sure the quality of our healthcare system will decline even further, I mean improve.

Yeh, whatever...

Returning to original content...

Here we go again. The project leader for Johnson & Johnson killer drug Xarelto is now the Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration. Wonderful, eh? Dr. Robert Califf replaces likely corrupt Margaret Hamburg whose investment guru husband made billions when she pushed another killer drug, Levaquin, through the FDA without any concern for consumer safety.
'Doctor' Califf was project leader for Johnson & Johnson Xarelto. Somehow, with Dr. Hamburg as FDA Commissioner, Xarelto was pushed through the FDA with missing safety data, the trial had a 12% drop-out rate and three deaths. Wonder how much Dr. Hamburg's husband made on that deal? Obviously enough to retire on, since Dr. Hamburg publicized her resignation in February of 2015. Under her less-than-watchful eye, over 51 healthcare products were pushed through the FDA. Goodies such as Xarelto, Levaquin, transvaginal mesh, Essure and other, obviously harmful products to increase, I mean serve those with, 'unmet medical needs'. Sounds like a Johnson & Johnson CEO Gorsky slogan, eh? Obviously her comments come straight from a Johnson & Johnson marketing plan.
Back to Dr. Califf...
I noticed that the write-up regarding Dr. Califf posted on the National Institutes of Health web site makes no mention of any specific projects headed by Dr. Califf. It simply claims he's an expert in the field, went to school, yada-yada-yada. The write-up makes no mention of Dr. Califf's work with failed medicated heart stents or Xarelto. Hm. Wonder why? Oh, because both medicated stents and Xarelto are failed projects that killed people, have Johnson & Johnson facing numerous lawsuits from harm and death. Yeh, can see why that shouldn't be publicized, eh?
While the approval department of the United States Food and Drug Administration is obviously corrupt, at least the safety end of the organization appears minimally intact. The FDA did send out warning letters regarding flaws in Xarelto trials in 2005 and 2006, but Johnson & Johnson and Bayer simply ignored them. The drug was passed through in record time, the money was (and still is) pouring in like blood from the victims of the drug's main side effect, internal hemorrage. Xarelto is still on the market, increasing risk of the silent killer of internal hemorrhage.
Johnson & Johnson attempted to get Xarelto pushed through to treat stent thrombosis. They wanted to use the victims from Cypher stents to increase demand and profit from another product. While that sounds good in theory, it's probably best that people who will likely require surgery to remove or replace the defective device, don't take a drug that will make surgery impossible due to risk of hemorrage caused by Xarelto. Because, without any consideration for victims, I mean patients, Xarelto was passed through the FDA without an antidote, the blood-thinning effects of Xarelto cannot be turned off. Thankfully, the FDA panel said NO. Not once, but all three times Johnson & Johnson tried to push this garbage through.
So, we have an FDA Commissioner who obviously has no concern for the health, safety and well-being of patients replacing an FDA Commissioner who obviously had no concern for the health, safety and well-being of patients.
The most frightening part, the US Senate approved this killer drug project leader 89 to 4, with the rest abstaining or unable to vote. The four who voted against Califf as new FDA Commissioner were: Joe Manchin, III (D - WV), Edward J. Markey (D - MA), Richard Blumenthal (D - CT) and Kelly Ayotte (R - NH). Although on the US Senate HELP Committee, Senator Sanders did not vote due to his presidential campaign. Supposedly, he stated he would have voted against approving Dr. Robert Califf. The next act of this corrupt three ring circus, the New England Journal of Medicine is a bit pissed that they were mislead into supporting the approval of Dr. Robert Califf's Xarelto project. This could get interesting. Killing people, lying and withholding information from the FDA to get a drug approved is one thing. But it seems as though screwing with the reputation of the world's most prestigious medical journals may actually have more consequences than harming, and even killing, people around the world.
Hopefully, we will see an investigation into what Califf knew and when. Likely, we'll get nothing more than a lot of marketing baloney. But as head of US FDA with a reputation of hiding safety data, ignoring FDA warnings and promoting a drug to compensate for the harm caused by a device approved 89-4, it seems the health and safety of the American people, and people around the world, is the furthest thing from at least 89 of our senators minds, eh?

Dear Visitors,
This work is not sponsored by bankers, lawyers, gov agencies, ad agencies or fraudsters.

Your gift, no matter the size, makes a real difference. Please consider contributing today to help me continue work exposing fraud, corruption, coverups and harmful, defective and toxic products. Together, we can create a positive impact for improved health and well-being that lasts.

Thank you for your generosity,
Emily Patterson


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00

Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obama's Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, BPS Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?


1. Emily Patterson (2012, May 23). Xarelto by Johnson & Johnson is Likely Another OverHyped Dud. Johnson and Toxin. Retrieved from Link to source...
2. Chris Newmarker (2016, February 8). Former FDA Commissioner, J&J Targeted in Federal Lawsuit. QMed. Retrieved from Link to source...
3. Toni Clarke (2015, February 5). U.S. FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to step down. Reuters. Retrieved from Link to source...
4. Staff Writer (2015, December 16). U.S. FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to step down. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from Link to source...
5. Ed Silverman (2015, December 7). J&J blood thinner under review for trial overseen by FDA nominee Califf Stat News. Retrieved from Link to source...
6. Barbara J. Lassens (2005, October 4). WARNING LETTER United States Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from Link to source...
7. Barbara J. Cassens (2006, November 29). WARNING LETTER United States Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from Link to source...
8. AA Bavry, DJ Kumbhani, TJ Helton, and DL Bhatt (2005). What is the risk of stent thrombosis associated with the use of paclitaxel-eluting stents for percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from Link to source...
9. Thomas F. Lüscher, MD; Jan Steffel, MD; Franz R. Eberli, MD; Michael Joner, MD; Gaku Nakazawa, MD; Felix C. Tanner, MD; Renu Virmani, MD (2007). Drug-Eluting Stent and Coronary Thrombosis American Heart Association. Retrieved from Link to source...
10. Emily Patterson (2014, September 14). Johnson & Johnson Xarelto, False Marketing, Lawsuits and FDA Says THREE TIMES, "NO EXPANDED USES!" Johnson and Toxin. Retrieved from Link to source...
11. Mary Clare Jalonick and Matthew Perrone (2016, March). Senate confirms Robert Califf as head of FDA NBC. Retrieved from Link to source...
12. Katie Thomas (2016, March 1). Document Claims Drug Makers Deceived a Top Medical Journal New York Times. Retrieved from Link to source...
ADDED May 2, 2023...

13. Joanne S. Eglovitch (2023, April 20). Califf seeks new authorities to approve opioids, mum on mifepristone RAPS: Regulatory Focus. Retrieved from Link to source...
14. J.D. Tuccille (2023, April 19). FDA Head Wants 'Better Regulation' of What Government Considers Misinformation Reason. Retrieved from Link to source...


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