Johnson And Toxin


Old records are made to be broken. Lack of support has shattered all previous years since the start in 2012...

Extreme censoring has knocked my site down from 6,000 to 8,000 hits a day from all over the world before the Trump/Musk/salesFORCE takeover of social media to basically just a few hits a week that aren't bots.

As of 10 April 2024:
Support sent in 2024: $0


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00
Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: The American Custom Gas Chamber, Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obamas' Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, Multiple Toxin-Induced Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


Is Your Cleaning Company Poisoning You?
You might want to request the MSDS for all products used in you home...

PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?

I started this in March of 2012. This work was censored since I started...

I can't count the number of suspended twitter accounts. Then the shadowbanning. Now that twitter has changed to X, I have found that if I text a link to someone, they get a page stating that the account has been suspended, even though it is working for me.

Links to my site cannot be shared on ANY social media platform. I cannot text links to my site to people I know - they just won't go through.

I have run three censored sites. Each exposed harms by exposure to chemicals in common consumer goods. I let the other two go and continue this one. This type of information is banned.

However, bullshit is available in abundance: virus, vaxx, "THEY'RE SPRAYING US", snake venom, aliens, bioweapon, spike protein, gain-of-function and so on. BUT NOT ONE PEEP of harms by exposure to chemicals proven to cause harms to health and early deaths is allowed.

Censored out of social media, however, regular visitors to the JohnsonAndToxin site include these and many others...
World Health Organization
United States Food and Drug Administration
United States Centers for Disease Control
United States Health and Human Services
United States Senate
United States Department of Justice
United States Federal Reserve Board
JPMorgan Chase
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Deutsche Bank

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?

New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Date Created: 2023, February 20

Keywords: vaccine, vaxx, autism, spectrum, disorder, disability, coverup, lies

Site accessed :
Today: 339
2023: 306,808
Total: 10,191,993 times.
This page accessed 2,566 times.

Numerous anti-vaxx and alternative health web sites claim that vaccines cause austim spectrum disorders. The United States Centers for Disease Control claims: Although we know little about specific causes, the available evidence suggests that the following may put children at greater risk for developing ASD:
- Having a sibling with ASD
- Having certain genetic or chromosomal conditions, such as fragile X syndrome or tuberous sclerosis
- Experiencing complications at birth
- Being born to older parents
It seems neither anti-vaxxers or the United States Centers for Disease Control have access to the National Institutes of Health library of studies. It really doesn't take long or much of an effort to expose the KNOWN cause of autism spectrum disorders. The cause of autism spectrum disorders has been known for at least 30 years. I believe the first studies showing association were done around 1987. Interestingly, the same time frame as vaccines were made liability free, which was 1988.

Most anti-vaxxers know that manufacturers face absolutely no liability for injuries sustained by the use of the vaxxes as directed. Not only are vaxx manufacturers protected from liability for vaccine injuries under Chapter 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 - Standards of responsibility. It very clearly states:

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, solely due to the manufacturer’s failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party (or the injured party’s legal representative) of the potential dangers resulting from the administration of the vaccine manufactured by the manufacturer.
Okay, so the Centers for Disease Control does not mention chem exposure. Obviously chem exposure never blamed for causing autism. Anti-vaxx marketing plan blames autism on liability-free vaxxes.

However, take a lil peek at decades of evidence that exposure to phthalates is the cause of autism spectrum disorders.


2012: Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and autism spectrum disorders

2013: Autism and phthalate metabolite glucuronidation

2015: Phthalate concentrations in house dust in relation to autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay in the CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (CHARGE) study

2017: Environmental Exposure to Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, Bisphenol A, and Phthalates in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Living near the Gulf of Mexico

2020: Phthalates and Autistic Traits: Exploring the Association between Prenatal Exposures and Child Behavior

2021: Prenatal phthalate exposures and Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms in low-risk children


I just pulled a few. There are hundreds of studies around the world showing causal link between phthalate exposure and autism spectrum disorders. Blaming vaxxes for autism spectrum disorders when there is so much proof that exposure to phthalates causes autim spectrum disorders is simply ludicrous.

How is it possible that the KNOWN cause of autism spectrum disorders has NEVER been blamed for causing autism?

How is it that the KNOWN cause of autism spectrum disorders isn't even listed as a risk factor for developing autism ? ? ?

How is it that millions are spent per year on the marketing plan to blame liability-free vaxxes as cause of autism while totally ignoring, and often censoring, the PROVEN cause of autism spectrum disorders ? ? ?

Rather than take the chemicals causing autism spectrum disorders off the market to protect children, a grand scheme was concocted to blame vaxxes for autim spectrum disorders. Of course, while leaving the chemicals that cause autism spectrum disorders on the market in numerous and increasing variety of consumer goods. They knew full well that parents would unknowingly continue poisoning themselves and their children.

If the chemicals PROVEN to cause autism spectrum disorders were removed from the market, it would cut into profits from treating autism spectrum disorders, eh?

The millions per year spent on anti-vaxx marketing that vaxxes cause autism does two things:
1. Provides immunity for the chemical industry against liability for autism spectrum disorders caused by exposure to their toxins.
2. Keeps the cause of autism on the market for future profits from autism spectrum disorders caused by chemical exposure.

Wakey, wakey...
or not...

Dear Visitors,
This work is not sponsored by bankers, lawyers, gov agencies, ad agencies or fraudsters.

Your gift, no matter the size, makes a real difference. Please consider contributing today to help me continue work exposing fraud, corruption, coverups and harmful, defective and toxic products. Together, we can create a positive impact for improved health and well-being that lasts.

Thank you for your generosity,
Emily Patterson


CashApp: $MissEmilyPatterson  / venmo: @MissEmilyPatterson

PayPal: Log in or scroll to bottom of PayPal transaction page and click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

Enter amount: $.00

Most Recent Articles...
On the to-write list in no particular order: Exposing Levaquin Lies, The Obama's Risperdal Scandal, ChemBrain, Toxic Talc Sterilization, BPS Turbo-Cancer, The MOST Effective Depopulation Strategy, DuPont Kills Cops


PFAS Pandemic
Reduce your risk of cancers and death by avoiding PFAS like the plague.

Letter to Breast Cancer Doctors
My response to breast cancer celebration event.

Obesity Is Chemical Bloat
Maybe instead of counting calories, we should be counting chemicals?

Breast Cancer Causes to Avoid
Reduce YOUR risk by avoiding toxins that CAUSE breast cancer.

How to Reduce Food Plastic Packaging
Easy ways to reduce your exposure to plastics in food packaging.

RE: The ethical and environmental impact of investments.

Providing everyone with immunity, except YOU ;o)

Heart Damage Begins in the Womb
From womb to early grave, toxin exposure causes heart defects, inflammation and failure.

Poisoned to Infertility
Birth rates collapsing globally. Gee, wonder why?

Masks Provide Immunity for Microplastics Exposure
A mask does not protect YOU from anything, it protects THEM.

Plugged With Plastics
How long until YOUR organs shut down?

A more accurate term would be REPOISONING

Toxic Crops
How household poisons go from drain to plate.

New Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato
Representing 34 years of toxic consumer products and harmful drugs.

The Truth About Tobacco
Does tobacco CAUSE harm to health or PREVENT it?

Toxic Chems in Consumer Goods
The higher your exposure, the sooner you're dead.

Poisoned Orcas Attacking and Sinking Boats
Plasticizers in ocean likely causing orca aggression.

New-ish US FDA Commissioner Califf Pushed Xarelto
Out goes corrupt Hamburg/Woodcock. In comes corrupt Califf pushing vaxx, opioids and censoring.

Why We Must Shut Down USA FDA
Healthcare orgs around the world rely on US FDA decisions. However, profit, rather than safety, seems to be primary motivation.

Del Bigtree is a Hoax Spreading Fraudster
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception and HOAX is trick into believing something preposterous.

Revisiting Global Chem Poisoning Called Spanish Flu
All so-called viruses and pandemics are caused by chemical poisoning.

Do Vaxxes Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?
New information sheds more light on this highly controversial topic.

Virus Vaxx Scam is Chem Poisoning Coverup
Generations of poisoning people globally, without any risk of liability ;o)

United States Chemical Industry Poisoned Global Food Supply
How many of your loved ones did they kill?

The Case of the Poisoned Chickens
Who poisoned the chickens? Gates? Biden? Schwab? Dow/DuPont ;o)

The Life Cycle of a Chemtrail
Includes details of chemtrail chemical sources...

The CAUSE of Gender Differentiation Defects
Are you all enjoying the #ChemicalGenderRainbow brought to us by $DOW DuPont $DD :o)

Johnson and Toxin, Er, Johnson & Johnson. Hm, Think I Had it Right the First Time
Carcinogenic contaminants, carcinogens, allergens, potential neurological damage, bribery, class action lawsuits and recalls. Maybe it's time to stop giving Johnson and Johnson our money to pay their fines?


1. CDC Staff (whenever). What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? United States Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from Link to source...
2. A bunch of lawyers (1988). US Code: 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 - Standards of responsibility Cornell Law School. Retrieved from Link to source...
3. Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Deborah H. Bennett and Huei-An Chu (2011). PHTHALATES IN RELATION TO AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY: EXPLORATORY ANALYSES FROM THE CHARGE STUDY publication. Retrieved from Link to source...
4. Chiara Testa, Francesca Nuti, Joussef Hayek, Claudio De Felice, Mario Chelli, Paolo Rovero, Giuseppe Latini, Anna Maria Papini (2012, May 30). Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and autism spectrum disorders PubMed. Retrieved from Link to source...
5. T Peter Stein, Margaret D Schluter, Robert A Steer, Xue Ming (2013, November). Autism and phthalate metabolite glucuronidation PubMed. Retrieved from Link to source...
6. Claire Philippat, Deborah H Bennett, Paula Krakowiak, Melissa Rose, Hyun-Min Hwang, Irva Hertz-Picciotto (2015, June 26). Phthalate concentrations in house dust in relation to autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay in the CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (CHARGE) study PubMed. Retrieved from Link to source...
7. Mohammad H Rahbar, Hanes M Swingle, MacKinsey A Christian, Manouchehr Hessabi, MinJae Lee, Meagan R Pitcher, Sean Campbell, Amy Mitchell, Ryan Krone, Katherine A Loveland, Donald G Patterson Jr (2017, November 21). Environmental Exposure to Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, Bisphenol A, and Phthalates in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Living near the Gulf of Mexico PubMed. Retrieved from Link to source...
8. Authors (2020, October 6). Phthalates and Autistic Traits: Exploring the Association between Prenatal Exposures and Child Behavior Environmental Health Perspectives. Retrieved from Link to source...
9. Diana K. Haggerty, Rita S. Strakovsky, Nicole M. Talge, Courtney C. Carignan, Alicynne N. Glazier-Essalmi, Brooke R. Ingersoll, Rajendiran Karthikraj, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Nigel S. Paneth, and Douglas M. Ruden (2021, January 5). Prenatal phthalate exposures and Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms in low-risk children PubMed. Retrieved from Link to source...


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